
cell phone

I will tell you about Japanese “keitai” culture.
Japanese cell phone is the most advanced all over the world. There are a lot of functions and most of Japanese people have more than one their own cell phone. When you walk around Japan, you can find the scene like these pictures many times. There are two reasons why Japanese people often use cell phone. The first reason is to kill time. Japanese people do not like to be in situation that they do not have nothing to do. The second reason is that cell phone becomes one of the communication skills in daily life for Japanese people. We often get in touch with someone through cell phone.
“Keitai” has become indispensable thing in our daily life in a few years.


1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

This week's theme was "Japanese People," so examining what they do in their free time and how they communicate with one another - keitai culture - seems like an important and relevant topic. Personally, I am fascinated with cell phones in Japan. And there has been some recent literature by anthropologists on the subject. For example:


I'm afraid your post is too general and broad - what you write is almost common knowledge. Specific examples/case studies would be much more helpful.

What are the people in the first photo doing? More context would be helpful. What is the purpose of the second photo? How does it relate to your text other than being a keitai?

You should explain what the link you provide at the bottom of your post is. You should also hotlink it as well.

You pick interesting topics, but you need to provide more in-depth information and work on establishing the relationship between your photos and your text.
