

I’d like to tell you about cafes in Japan. Cafes are very popular especially among young peoples in Japan from a few years ago. I guess the reason why Japanese like café is that they seek relaxation in daily life. There are many troubles but people need the time to make them calm and café helps us to feel relax. When Japanese think of café, it is very fine place that serves food and drink. Café is not same like large chains that exist many places. Café reflects the characteristic of a storekeeper. To tell the truth, I am one of the girls who like café very much. The shop in the pictures is my favorite café in Nara. I have not gone there for a long time so I want to go there on this spring vacation.

1 件のコメント:

visual gonthros さんのコメント...

An interesting topic that perhaps many people would not consider a part of Japanese culture. But your text is a little general and vague. Is a cafe the same as a kissaten? If not, what's the difference? How are small cafes dealing with the popularity of Starbucks and other big chains? I'd like some description of your photos as well. What are they? How are you using the photos as part of your cultural description?